07 · Thaumic JEI A JEI and Thaumcraft addon that displays thaumcraft recipes in JEI Aspects from Items information (WARNING On the first run a file will generate in the config folder that contains all the information for it (You can check the logs to see when is done generating) On the second run the aspects will show in JEI properly and the · Automagy is an addon to Thaumcraft 4 and Thaumcraft 5, created by Tuhljin It focuses on adding blocks and items to help automate Thaumcraft, as well as a few other fun gadgets Automagy on CurseForge Automagy on the Minecraft Forums Automagy on GitHub TemplateNavbox Automagy · 左側にみえるのは 「 相 」 の 根源相 プラスα。 赤→炎 黄→風 緑→大地 青→水 灰→秩序 黒→無秩序 ちなみにロウソクのマークは光という合成相になります(*'ω'*) なんだよ秩序と無秩序って言い間違えるんだよやめてくれよ。
Minecraft 適当にtc4の序盤を手引きするよ Thaumcraft4 ニコニコ動画